A Tiger In The Zoo Extract Based Questions

 He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage,

On pads of velvet quiet,

In his quiet rage.

He should be lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass

Near the water hole

Where plump deer pass.

He should be snarling around houses

At the jungle's edge,

Baring his white fangs, his claws,

Terrorizing the village!

But he's locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,

Stalking the length of his cage,

Ignoring visitors.

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Stanza 1:

  1. What does the phrase "pads of velvet quiet" suggest about the tiger's movement?

    • a) The tiger's feet are soft like velvet
    • b) The tiger moves silently
    • c) The tiger's cage is lined with velvet
    • d) The tiger walks on velvet carpets
  2. What emotion is captured in the phrase "quiet rage"?

    • a) Joy
    • b) Sadness
    • c) Suppressed anger
    • d) Fear

Stanza 2: 3. Where does the poet suggest the tiger should be? - a) In the zoo - b) In the forest - c) In the mountains - d) In the city

  1. What is the tiger doing near the water hole?
    • a) Drinking water
    • b) Resting
    • c) Hunting deer
    • d) Playing

Stanza 3: 5. How is the tiger expected to behave at the jungle's edge? - a) Calmly - b) Playfully - c) Snarling and baring his fangs - d) Sleeping

  1. What effect does the tiger have on the village near the jungle?
    • a) It entertains the villagers
    • b) It causes terror among the villagers
    • c) It helps the villagers
    • d) It befriends the villagers

Stanza 4: 7. How is the tiger’s strength described in this stanza? - a) Visible and powerful - b) Hidden behind bars - c) Non-existent - d) Weak and diminishing

  1. What is the tiger’s reaction to the visitors?
    • a) He is curious about them
    • b) He tries to interact with them
    • c) He ignores them
    • d) He is frightened by them

Stanza 5: 9. What does the tiger hear at night? - a) The voices of other animals - b) The sounds of the jungle - c) The patrolling cars - d) The chatter of visitors

  1. What is the tiger staring at with his "brilliant eyes"?
    • a) The cage bars
    • b) The zookeeper
    • c) The brilliant stars
    • d) The other animals


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