Some key word meanings from the story "His First Flight":

1. **Ledge**: A narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall or a cliff.

   - Example: The young seagull stood on the ledge, afraid to take off.

2. **Shrilly**: In a high-pitched and piercing manner.

   - Example: His mother called to him shrilly, urging him to fly.

3. **Scolding**: To speak to someone angrily because they have done something wrong.

   - Example: The parents kept scolding him for not flying.

4. **Desperate**: Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.

   - Example: The young seagull was desperate with hunger.

5. **Mustered**: Gathered together or assembled.

   - Example: He mustered all his courage to take the plunge.

6. **Exhilaration**: A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.

   - Example: He felt a sense of exhilaration when he finally began to fly.

7. **Swooping**: Moving rapidly downward through the air.

   - Example: The seagulls were swooping and diving in the air.

8. **Precipice**: A very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one.

   - Example: The young seagull was standing on the precipice, afraid to jump.

9. **Cower**: To crouch down in fear.

   - Example: The young seagull cowered on the ledge, afraid to fly.

10. **Plaintively**: Sounding sad and mournful.

    - Example: He called out plaintively, hoping someone would help him.

Understanding these words will help in comprehending the nuances of the story and the emotions of the characters better.

"His First Flight" is a story by Liam O'Flaherty, which is part of the English syllabus for Class 10 under NCERT. The story is about a young seagull who is afraid to make his first flight. Despite his siblings flying fearlessly, he is hesitant and scared. The story beautifully captures the emotions and challenges the young seagull faces before he finally overcomes his fear and takes his first flight.

Summary of "His First Flight"

The story begins with a young seagull who is standing on the edge of a ledge, afraid to take his first flight. His two brothers and sister have already flown away, but he lacks the courage to fly. His parents try to encourage him to fly by calling to him shrilly, scolding him, and threatening to let him starve on the ledge unless he flies away.

Despite all this, the young seagull is too afraid to move. He watches his family flying around him, catching fish and enjoying their freedom. The young seagull is hungry and desperate, but his fear keeps him rooted to the ledge.

Eventually, his mother comes up with a plan to encourage him to fly. She takes a piece of fish and flies near him, but not close enough for him to reach. The sight of the food makes the young seagull so hungry that he dives off the ledge in an attempt to catch it. As he falls, he is terrified, but then he realizes that his wings are working and he is flying.

The young seagull's fear turns to exhilaration as he soars through the air. He joins his family in the sky, and they celebrate his first flight by swooping and diving around him. The story ends with the young seagull feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.


  1. Courage and Overcoming Fear: The central theme of the story is overcoming fear. The young seagull's journey from fear to courage is the main focus.
  2. Parental Encouragement: The story highlights the role of parents in encouraging and supporting their children to overcome their fears and achieve their potential.
  3. Independence and Growth: The seagull's first flight symbolizes a step towards independence and personal growth.


The moral of the story is that sometimes, one must face their fears and take a leap of faith to discover their true potential. Support and encouragement from loved ones can help overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Questions and Answers

  1. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?

    • The young seagull was afraid to fly because he feared that his wings would not support him and he would fall into the sea.
  2. How did the young seagull's family react to his fear of flying?

    • The young seagull's family tried to encourage him in various ways, including scolding him, threatening to let him starve, and finally luring him with food to make him fly.
  3. What did the young seagull feel when he finally took his first flight?

    • When the young seagull finally took his first flight, he felt a mix of terror and exhilaration, followed by a sense of pride and accomplishment as he realized he could fly.
  4. What lesson can we learn from the story "His First Flight"?

    • The lesson we can learn from the story is that we must face our fears and take risks to realize our true potential. Support from family and loved ones can play a crucial role in overcoming our fears.


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