The Midnight Visitor-Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan: "The Midnight Visitor" by Robert Arthur


  • To understand the plot, characters, and themes of "The Midnight Visitor."
  • To analyze the use of suspense and irony in the story.
  • To develop critical thinking and comprehension skills.
  • To enhance vocabulary and language skills.

Materials Needed:

  • Text of "The Midnight Visitor"
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with comprehension questions
  • Vocabulary list from the story
  • Projector (if available) for visual aids


45 minutes

Lesson Outline

Introduction (5 minutes)

  1. Greeting and Attendance: Quickly take attendance and greet the students.
  2. Hook: Ask students if they have ever experienced a surprising or unexpected event late at night. This will create interest and relate to the story.

Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)

  1. Background Information: Briefly introduce Robert Arthur and the context in which "The Midnight Visitor" was written. Mention that it is a suspenseful story involving an unexpected midnight visitor.
  2. Vocabulary Introduction: Provide a list of challenging words from the story. Discuss their meanings and usage briefly.

Reading Activity (15 minutes)

  1. Reading the Story: Read the story aloud or have students read it silently. If time allows, read the first part and ask students to finish reading it at home.
  2. Pause and Reflect: Stop at key points to ask predictive questions (e.g., "Who do you think the visitor is?"). This will keep students engaged and thinking critically about the plot.

Post-Reading Activity (10 minutes)

  1. Discussion: Lead a class discussion with the following questions:

    • What is the main conflict in the story?
    • How does the protagonist handle the situation?
    • What is the twist in the story?
    • What are the themes present in the story?
  2. Comprehension Questions: Hand out a worksheet with questions for students to answer in pairs or small groups. Questions could include:

    • Describe the character of Ausable.
    • How does Ausable outsmart the intruder?
    • What role does the setting play in the story?

Closing Activity (5 minutes)

  1. Summary: Summarize the main points of the lesson. Highlight the themes and the suspenseful elements of the story.
  2. Homework Assignment: Assign a short essay on the topic: "Discuss the use of suspense and irony in 'The Midnight Visitor'."


  • Participation in class discussion.
  • Responses to comprehension questions.
  • Homework essay to be evaluated based on understanding, analysis, and writing skills.


  • Creative Writing: Ask students to write an alternate ending to the story.
  • Drama: Have students act out key scenes from the story to enhance understanding and engagement.
  • Role Play: Divide students into groups and have them role-play the scene with Ausable and the intruder, focusing on dialogue delivery and expressions.


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