
Worksheet: Adverbs

 Part A: Identify the Adverbs

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state what they modify (verb, adjective, or another adverb):

1. She sings **beautifully**.

2. The students worked **hard** on their projects.

3. He arrived **early** for the meeting.

4. The baby slept **soundly** through the night.

5. The car moved **very** slowly.

#### Part B: Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adverbs

1. The sun was shining ____________ in the sky. (brightly, dimly)

2. She can run ____________ than her classmates. (faster, slower)

3. The dog barked ____________ at the strangers. (loudly, softly)

4. They finished their homework ____________. (quickly, lazily)

5. The child spoke ____________ to the teacher. (politely, rudely)

#### Part C: Adverbs in a Paragraph

Find five adverbs in the paragraph below and write them down:

_"The boy quickly ran across the field. He carefully climbed the tree and looked around cautiously. He could see birds flying gracefully in the sky and squirrels playing nearby."_

#### Part D: Fun Fact Fill-in

Complete these facts with suitable adverbs:

1. The Earth rotates ____________ around its axis. (steadily)

2. Hummingbirds can hover ____________ in the air. (swiftly)

3. Some animals hunt ____________ at night. (silently)

4. Plants grow ____________ towards sunlight. (naturally)

5. The moonlight shone ____________ on the water. (brightly)

### Answers:

#### Part A:

1. Beautifully (modifies "sings")

2. Hard (modifies "worked")

3. Early (modifies "arrived")

4. Soundly (modifies "slept")

5. Very (modifies "slowly"), slowly (modifies "moved")

#### Part B:

1. brightly/dimly

2. faster/slower

3. loudly/softly

4. quickly/lazily

5. politely/rudely

#### Part C:

Adverbs: quickly, carefully, cautiously, gracefully, nearby

#### Part D:

1. steadily

2. swiftly

3. silently

4. naturally

5. brightly


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