Answers (Jumbled Sentences)

Answers to the jumbled sentences along with the rules/reasons for arranging them in the correct order:


1. **I saw a beautiful butterfly on the flower.**

   - **Rule**: The sentence starts with the subject ("I"), followed by the verb ("saw"), and then the object ("a beautiful butterfly"). Prepositional phrases like "on the flower" usually come at the end.

2. **She is reading a book quietly in the library.**

   - **Rule**: The sentence starts with the subject ("She"), followed by the verb ("is reading"). The object ("a book") comes after the verb, and adverbs of manner ("quietly") come after the verb. Place phrases indicating location ("in the library") at the end.

3. **We must attend the meeting tomorrow at 10 AM.**

   - **Rule**: The subject ("We") is followed by the modal verb ("must") and the main verb ("attend"). The object ("the meeting") comes next, with time details ("tomorrow at 10 AM") placed at the end.

4. **My mother baked a delicious cake for her birthday.**

   - **Rule**: Start with the subject ("My mother") followed by the verb ("baked"). The object ("a delicious cake") comes after the verb, and prepositional phrases indicating purpose or event ("for her birthday") come at the end.

5. **Does your brother enjoy swimming in the pool?**

   - **Rule**: In questions, the auxiliary verb ("Does") comes first, followed by the subject ("your brother"). The main verb ("enjoy") comes next, followed by the object ("swimming"), and the location phrase ("in the pool") at the end.

6. **There are many flowers growing in the garden.**

   - **Rule**: Sentences starting with "There" indicate existence. The verb ("are") comes next, followed by the subject ("many flowers"). The phrase "growing in the garden" provides additional details.

7. **You should complete your homework before playing.**

   - **Rule**: The subject ("You") is followed by the modal verb ("should") and the main verb ("complete"). The object ("your homework") comes next, with time or conditional phrases ("before playing") at the end.

8. **He is finding the math problem difficult to solve.**

   - **Rule**: The sentence starts with the subject ("He") and the verb phrase ("is finding"). The object ("the math problem") follows, with an adjective ("difficult") to describe it. The infinitive phrase ("to solve") adds further information.

9. **Our trip to the beach was a memorable vacation.**

   - **Rule**: The subject ("Our trip to the beach") is followed by the verb ("was"). The object ("a memorable vacation") completes the sentence.

10. **The players displayed excellent teamwork during the match.**

   - **Rule**: Start with the subject ("The players"), followed by the verb ("displayed"). The object ("excellent teamwork") comes next, with the prepositional phrase ("during the match") at the end.


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