Some Questions For Preparation of Test


1. **What thoughts flash through the poet's mind when it rains?**  

In the poem *"Rain on the Roof"*, the poet's mind is filled with nostalgic memories when it rains. The sound of the raindrops on the roof evokes feelings of comfort and brings back memories of his childhood and his mother, who used to put him to bed. The rain makes him reflect on the past, filling him with a sense of calm and peace.

2. **What did Albert Einstein do for world peace?**  

Albert Einstein, despite being a brilliant scientist, was also a strong advocate for world peace. He was deeply affected by the destruction caused by the two World Wars, and after witnessing the devastation of nuclear bombs, he used his influence to promote disarmament. He was one of the co-signers of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, which called for the reduction of nuclear arms and the peaceful resolution of international conflicts. His commitment to peace earned him recognition beyond his scientific achievements.

3. **Describe the horrible experience of Mahendra during the full moon night.**  

 Mahendra experiences a terrifying night during the full moon. His servant, Iswaran, had previously told him ghost stories, which unsettled him. One night, Mahendra woke up to strange sounds and, from his window, saw a ghostly figure holding a bundle. Terrified, Mahendra shut his eyes and convinced himself it was an illusion. The next day, he learned that Iswaran had also seen the same figure, making him question the reality of his experience.

4. **Why is Einstein called a scientific genius?**  

Einstein is called a scientific genius because of his groundbreaking contributions to science, particularly in the field of physics. His theory of relativity revolutionized how we understand space, time, and energy. His famous equation, \(E=mc²), showed the relationship between mass and energy. These discoveries laid the foundation for modern physics. Beyond his theories, Einstein’s curiosity, creativity, and ability to think beyond conventional boundaries are what made him a true scientific genius.


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