
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Squirrel Class 7th

 Worksheet The Squirrel Question1  The squirrel was sitting on a tree: (a) to observe everyone (b) to shake Its branches (c) eating nuts (d) to catch its prey Question 2. The poetic device used In the tail was like a question mark Is: (a) metaphor (b) personification (c) simile (d) rhyme Question 3. The squirrel sat in: (a) a straight manner (b) the burrow (c) an erect position (d) both (a) and (c) Question 4  Its hobby was: (a) to play (b) to climb (c) to Indulge in mockery (d) to eat (e) both (a) and (c) Question 5. The coat of the squirrel was: (a) admirable (b) greying (c) very thick (d) gray B.Write true or false 1.A squirrel is a kind of bird. 2.The squirrel likes to play 3.The squirrel did not like nuts 4.The squirrel wears an overcoat of black 5.The squirrel becomes friend with the poet

Wild Wisdom sample quiz

                       KV KAUSANI Ques1 How many species of tigers are there? Options .a10.  B. 3.   C.  1.   D.  8   Ques2 Do they have any special skills Options A.Leaping                B.Swimming                C.Climbing                 D. All of the above Ques 3 How do tigers differ in Sumatra than those found in other areas? Options A. They are larger                B.They eat different prey                C. They have shorter legs                D. They have more stripes Ques 4 What does tiger urine smell like? Options A Cheese                B Buttered popcorns                C old meat                D flowers Ques 5  How long do tigers in the wild live for? Options A. Around 20                B.Around 15                C.Around 12                D.Around 32 Ques 6 How many tigers are there in the wild ? Options.  A. 390                  B. 39000                 C.  3900                  D.  390000 Ques 7.   How long is the tail of a tiger? Options.   A 20 cm                

The Rebel poem class 7th

                KV KAUSANI  WORKSHEET -THE REBEL ,CLASS 7th A.Find the poem lines that match the following 1*5=5  Expression  1 seeks attention by talking loudly to look  distinct when no one talks.  Ans.  Lines from poem......................... 2 Prefers cats to dogs  Ans.Lines from poem.................. 3 feels sorry for the absence of the sun  Ans.Lines from poem.................... 4 Staying at home enjoying reading  Ans..lines from poem............. 5 Good to have rebels  Ans.lines from poem....... 6 Having long hair Ans.Lines from poem.......... B.Answer the following in a word 1.A person who does not behave like everyone is a  Ans 2.A person who is always doing something naughty Ans. 3.I have all my homework complete and get all the books to class Ans. 4. I so not waste my time and study all the time  Ans.   5.I do not share my things from others but want them from others Ans 6. I do not lend my pen to others infact  borrow it from others even I have my own. Ans . C.MCQs 1.The

The Kite Poem class 6th

                       KV KAUSANI               Worksheet -The Kite Poem A. Fill in the blanks with words that rhyme with the underlined words. 1. How bright on the blue, Is a kite when it’s _________!  2. With a dive and a dip, It snaps its tail, Then soars like a ship With only a _________.  3. Climbs to the crest Of a gust and pulls, Then seems to _________ As wind falls.  4. When string goes slack, You wind it _________.  5. But a raggeder thing, You never will see, When it flaps on a _________ In the top of a  _________. B.Shreya  thinks often and wishes that she could be a kite up in the blue and ride upon the breeze  and go, whichever way she chanced to . Ques. (a) The blue refers to …………………….. Ques. (b) What does Shreya thinks if she would be a kite? C) MCQs Question 1. A new kite looks: (a) pale in the bright light (b) bright in the blue sky (c) lovely with Its colours (d) attractive but sober Question 2. It soars high due to: (a) the power of the wind (b) the absence of the w

Bringing Up Kari

            Bringing Up Kari A)Match the following words with their meanings 1) Squeal                        example 2) Luscious                     torn awkwardly                       3) Hatchet                             Lash 4) Mutilated                     rope with a                                              noose at the end 5) Lasso.                               Small axe 6) Instance       Tasty and sweet smelling 7) Whip                                  cry B) Answer in a sentence or two (1) Who was Kari? (2) Who was the keeper of Kari? (3) Where did Kari live? (4) Who is the author of this story?

The Friendly Mongoose

The Friendly Mongoose   A) Match the following words with their meanings - Cradle                      Infant's bed on.                                         the rocker Smeared                     fellow Customary            General supplies Hysterically                Usual Companion                 Cried Screamed                    As it fainting Groceries                    Covered B) Make sentences by using the given words- 1.friendly 2. Farmer 3.mongoose 4.cradle 5.companion C).Say if the following statements are           True (T) or False (F).  1. The mongoose was an unfriendly animal. _________  2. The baby spent the day sleeping and crying alternately. _________  3. The farmer’s wife bought groceries. _________  4. She killed the snake that bit the mongoose. _________

सुबह की मुस्कान से

सुबह की मुस्कान से शुरु करो दिन , फ़ूलों की तरह खिलता रहे आपका मन । मत करो चिंता कि कोई गुस्सा है रिश्तों का गुल्दस्ता बहुत सुन्दर सा है , मत आँकौ कि कौन कैसा है  क्योँकि हंसना,रोना,रूठना,मनाना सब सहज सा है । आओ सुबह की मुस्कान को खत्म न होने दें सारा दिन खुश रहकर खुद को सम्भलने दें, इन लफ्जों से क्या कुछ बदल पाओगे ये तभी समझोगे जब आप हर दम मुस्कुराओगे मेरी हंसी मेरी सोच बदल देती है, और मेरे व्यवहार मे ताजगी भर देती है।  दूसरों की बातें जब चुभने लगती हैं, तब खिलखिलाहट उसी से दबने लगती है। पर अपमान का अहसाह वहीं है जहाँ घमंड है इसलिए बुरा मानना खुद को ही एक दंड है खुश रह मेरी रूह,तूं तो जोत अखंड है।


 One who teaches And the truth preaches Instructs us well Comes as rings the bell ! Rests very less on chair Styles simply her hair She interests in teaching On time,in school reaching I like my teachers My teachers like me  Sirs and madams  They may be !


 Life is not a bed of roses Life is all glad with happiness dosage Life will be long ,if considered a sweet  song Nothing is wrong if your truth is strong Life will be short ,if you can't play in this court Getting angry,being jealous,making relations drought Our parents gave us life  That almighty makes us alive So  live,like and love your life


 Love is pure,caring,understanding  Love is  an allure,daring,without ending Love is bright,with love all is right Makes you excite,moves towards height Love is truth,love is not a lie Love is clear,fresh gust,never dry.